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Want to Be More Assertive? See How With the ZandaX Assertiveness Test!

Are you Passive, Aggressive or Assertive Boost your assertiveness and self esteem: Get your assertiveness score with a personalized report and Action Plan


Use our free, research-based online Assertiveness Test to check your behavior type
Download your free personalised report and Action Plan to see how you did – and how to improve!

Want to be more assertive?

... At super-low SPRING SPECIAL prices!

Are you Passive, Aggressive, Assertive ... or maybe something else?

Would you like to know where you fall on the behavior spectrum? Does your response to events sometimes surprise you?

Our free 3-Minute Assertiveness Test has been used by thousands of people to assess (anonymously) critical aspects of their assertive behavior. Complete it and you can immediately download a detailed report on the sort of mistakes you make – and how to fix them! It's fun, easy to do - and will show you how to become more assertive in ways that may surprise you!

Here's a great way to check how assertive you are:

  • Anonymous - none of your details are stored!
  • Takes just 3 minutes with 15 research-backed multiple choice questions
  • AMAZINGLY accurate results
  • FREE personalised online report
  • Action Plan showing you how to IMPROVE!

We hope you find it as useful as thousands of others have done.

But this is important: you must answer these questions with what REALLY applies to you, not what you'd LIKE to be the case. Your report will be based solely on the answers you give, and no-one else needs to see it, so be completely truthful!

Assertiveness & Self Esteem test

Scroll down the page: there are 15 questions that will appear as you mouse over them: just tap to select the answer for each.

Don't worry if any scenario doesn't apply directly to you, just imagine yourself in an equivalent situation.

And remember:

  • Don't over-think it
  • If none apply, pick the closest match
  • Be honest
Have fun and we hope you find it useful!

The report you get at the end really is worthwhile! And once you've answered the questions, there's heaps of helpful assertiveness tips on our Assertiveness blog

Great Tips on Using the Test
Question 1
You are in a meeting with your staff and someone outside the office starts talking loudly on their phone, making it hard to concentrate.
NOTE: If you don't lead staff meetings, think of having a group discussion with co-workers or friends
Bad behaviour on phone
You carry on with the meeting because they will probably finish their phone conversation before long
You continue the meeting, complaining to attendees how unprofessional and ill-mannered they are being
You ask if they could please have their phone conversation somewhere else as you are having a meeting
You carry on with the meeting and when it is over you complain to their manager about them
You tell them to stop disrupting your meeting
Question 2
You are giving a presentation to your staff at work but someone keeps interrupting you.
NOTE: If you don't give presentations, just think of a situation where you may be talking to a group of people
Interrupted presentation
You tell them to stop interrupting because it is preventing others from following what is being said
You keep talking but you make your displeasure known to the group, and complain to others about their behaviour after the presentation
You keep going because they will run out of questions sooner or later
You ask them whether they would like to take over the presentation
You pause and wait for them to finish talking, then ask them if it could wait until after the presentation
Question 3
You ask an assistant to carry out a task by the end of the day and he agrees, but misses the deadline saying he needed more time.
NOTE: Don't have an assistant? Think of a time when you need somebody (a co-worker or friend) to assist you
Deadline failure response
You tell the assistant that it is OK, but to avoid a recurrence, you inform other people that they failed to complete the task on time
You finish the job yourself
You tell them off for not completing the task
You tell the assistant not to worry and reassign the task to someone else
You ask them why they needed more time, but make the point that in the future they should see you before any deadline if this looks likely to happen again
Question 4
Which one is MOST like you when making decisions?
Decision making behaviour
I may agree with decisions but complain if the outcome is not what I expected
I am open to to other people about their ideas
If I have the facts, I want my way when deciding things
I can think that their ideas won't be successful so I ignore them
I generally agree with other people
Question 5
Which one is MOST like you when in an argument?
Argument style
I justify my views with regard to those of other people
I often agree with the argument but may criticize the decision later
I usually stay pretty well in control of my emotions
I disapprove of getting into arguments
I make sure I win the important arguments
Question 6
Which one is MOST like you when dealing with work problems?
NOTE: If you don't go to work, think of other times when there are problems with getting things done
Problem solving methods
I go along with others if I can but make sure I'm covered if things go wrong
I get those who created the problem to fix it
I stay calm and usually deal with problems in relaxed way
I leave the problem to be fixed by someone else, and generally ignore it
I avoid pointless confrontation so I try to keep out of it
Question 7
When other people disagree with you, but you know you are right:
Disagreement behaviour
You let them get on with it
You still get your point across because they should know when they are wrong
You offer your argument if asked but let them make their own mistakes
You say that you think they are wrong and ask them to think about your opinion
You ask about their view and give yours as an alternative
Question 8
You ask your team to start working on a new project, but you get the impression that they don't fully understand what is needed.
NOTE: If you don't head up a team, think of a time (at work, socially or at home) where you need the co-operation of several people
Confused objectives
You have a team meeting to go through the details again to make sure everyone knows what is required of them
You let them start on the assumption that they will come to you if they have any questions
You tell them to pay attention because you do not want to repeat yourself
You don't relish going through it all again, but as good practice, you ask whether anyone doesn't understand
You let them start working on the project anyway, and if the results are not satisfactory, hold them responsible
Question 9
When you make a mistake:
Behaviour after a mistake
You accept, but try to look for a situation, or person, that caused it
You find it difficult to admit mistakes to others, and can get a bit "spikey" in your manner
You acknowledge it and contribute to finding a solution
You often find yourself in an argument about what went wrong
You apologise and feel bad
Question 10
COMPLETE: When I am asked to do something that I haven't time to deal with, I will probably:
Work overload
Decline the request
Follow instructions but usually complain to others
Do my very best to assist
Explain my position and offer alternatives to discuss
Go along with it but feel put out
Question 11
COMPLETE: When someone hasn't done something I need them to do, I am likely to:
Busy at work
Ask them what has caused the problem
Ask them if they would like help
Tell them off
Do it by myself
Show my annoyance but work around the problem
Question 12
COMPLETE: If somebody steals a parking space I have been waiting for, I usually:
NOTE: Don't drive? You have probably been a passenger, so put yourself in that position and think what you'd do
Car parking reaction
Park my car so it blocks them from leaving
Get out of my car and ask them to move
Drive off angrily
Give a blast of my horn, shout an insult and drive away
Shrug and drive off
Question 13
A junior member of staff who is habitually late for work has arrived late again.
NOTE: If you don't manage staff, think of a social situation where you need someone to turn up on time
Time keeping attitude
You talk to them in private to find out why they are late and look for ways to help improve their timekeeping
You dress them down in front of others so that everyone knows where you stand on lateness
You pull them to one side and reprimand them, saying that this cannot continue
You assume they cannot change so you think about getting a replacement for their position
You do nothing because you are busy and they probably have a reason
Question 14
You have scheduled a meeting with a client but they failed to turn up, and your whole morning is wasted.
NOTE: If you don't deal with clients, imagine an important personal appointment where the other person lets you down
Missed meeting reaction
You wait for them to get in touch, but then say you are now busy and cannot schedule another meeting
You inform the client that you are unhappy and they should be more considerate in the future
You assume they must have had a reason, and leave it to them to call back to explain what happened
You say you understand that they are busy, but in future you would like them to tell you in advance if they cannot make it
You call them to find out what happened and see if you can re-schedule the meeting
Question 15
Someone who has criticised your methods in the past is struggling with a job that you have done well before.
Work struggle
You ask them if they want help, and assist as far as your work allows
You quickly offer to help even if you are busy
You ignore their situation
You offer to help but let them know that they were wrong about you
You can't help enjoying their discomfort
Your Name (optional)  

NOTE: This will appear on your report and we won't save it, but you can leave it blank if you want to.

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