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Are You a Likeable Person? Take the ZandaX Likeability Test to Find Out!

Are you likeable? It's the key to changing your life! Get your likeability test score with a personalized report and Action Plan


Use our free, research-based online Likeable Person test to see how likeable you really are.
Download your free personalised report and Action Plan to see how you did – and how to improve!

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Are You a Likeable Person?

Don't we all wonder at times whether we're a likeable person? And what a test of our likeability might say about us? Well, here it is: a test that will not only show you whether you're likeable or not likeable, but the reasons why -- and how to get better!

Our free 3-Minute Likable Person Test has been used by thousands of people to assess (anonymously) how they relate to other people. Complete it and you can immediately download a detailed report on the sort of mistakes you make – and how to fix them to be more likable! It's fun, easy to do - and will tell you things you maybe didn't know about yourself!

Here's a great way to test your likeability:

  • Anonymous - none of your details are stored!
  • Takes just 3 minutes with 15 research-backed multiple choice questions
  • AMAZINGLY accurate results
  • FREE personalised online report
  • Action Plan showing you how to IMPROVE!

We hope you find it as useful as thousands of others have done in assessing and improving their likeability.

But this is important: you must answer these questions with what REALLY applies to you, not what you'd LIKE to be the case. Your report will be based solely on the answers you give, and no-one else needs to see it, so be completely truthful!

Likeable (or likable) person test

Scroll down the page: there are 15 questions that will appear as you mouse over them: just click to select the answer for each.

Don't worry if any scenario doesn't apply directly to you, just imagine yourself in an equivalent situation.

And remember:

  • Don't over-think it
  • If none apply, pick the closest match
  • Be honest

Have fun and we hope you find it useful!

The report you get at the end really is worthwhile! And once you've answered the questions, there's heaps of helpful communication tips on our Building Relationships blog

Great Tips on Using the Test
Question 1
You have arranged to meet someone but you may be late. What do you do?
Late for a meeting
Turn up when you can
Call/text them to say you might be late
Call/text them to rearrange
Make sure you're there regardless
Question 2
You are in a group where everyone is joking around. What do you do?
People joking around
You are usually the one making the jokes
You laugh and take an active part
You sometimes join in
You only join in if you know the group well
Question 3
How often do friends or work colleagues come to you for advice?
Asking for advice
You don't like giving advice
Question 4
You are organising a holiday with family or friends. How do you plan it?
Organising a holiday
Ask everyone what they want and try to reach a compromise
You have a good idea what they want and trust your judgment
The planning is usually left to you and the others go along with it
You prefer to leave the planning to others
Question 5
How open are you to suggestions from other people about what you do?
Listening to suggestions
You are generally OK without suggestions
You will listen, but advice is often inappropriate
Quite open, but it depends on what you are doing
Very open - you welcome constructive criticism
Question 6
Which of the following best describes your circle of friends?
Circle of friends
Lots of friends of all types
A few friends that go back a long way
Not many friends - you are pretty self sufficient
Your friendship group changes as you move around
Question 7
Is it OK to tell a lie to gain an advantage?
Keep your fingers crossed
Yes, always - it's a tough world
Not with friends but OK with other people
Yes, if it's justified by what you are getting
Never: once you start, it's a slippery slope
Question 8
Someone you know only slightly asks you for a favour. What is your initial reaction?
Approach for advice
You are generally happy with this because you like helping people
You would be careful to find out exactly what it involves first
You prefer to avoid this if you don't know them
You'd say yes but may change your mind if it got too involved
Question 9
If you see someone you don't know who is struggling with what they are doing, what do you do?
Someone is struggling
Ask if they need help then give it if you can
Smile or commiserate but leave it at that
Don't get involved
It very much depends on who they are
Question 10
You are at an event where you do not know many people. What do you do?
New social group
You get to know a small group of people
You prefer to stay with the people that you know
You freely engage with whoever you meet
It depends on the situation
Question 11
How do you feel about lending money to a friend?
Lending money to a friend
Only if you are sure they are trustworthy
Never: it can go wrong too often
You are more likely to borrow money than to lend it
You would always help out a friend, no matter what
Question 12
When faced with adversity, what do you usually do?
In a difficult situation
Rise to the occasion and enjoy the challenge
Stay as positive as you can
Look to other people for help
You try to focus on other things
Question 13
You are trying to concentrate but someone keeps disturbing you. What do you do?
Annoying person
You don't react as you may hurt their feelings
You show your disapproval but leave it at that
You ask them to stop
It depends who they are
Question 14
How do you think other people rate your abilities?
Rate your abilities
Don't know/don't care
Average to poor
Pretty good
Question 15
A friend calls to discuss a problem but you are watching your favourite TV programme. What do you do?
Watching TV
You say you'll call them back later
You turn off the TV and talk
You pretend there's a problem with the phone
You arrange to see them later for a proper chat
Your Name (optional)  

NOTE: This will appear on your report and we won't save it, but you can leave it blank if you want to.

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