Relationships, eh? They're tough sometimes. It doesn't matter whether they're platonic, romantic, professional or familial. Every human relationship since the dawn of time has had its rocky moments.
There's some comfort in that. If you're struggling to connect with a person, or you've made mistakes in how you treat someone who's important to you... you're not alone. (Even though it might feel that way now, especially if you've just fallen out with them).
Here's more good news – you can fix your relationships.
And better yet, this article is going to give you the perfect recipe to do it.
Because building a successful relationship isn't rocket science. It's actually much more like preparing a meal. Put the right things in, and you'll have something satisfying to share at the end.
But having said that, there's more you should avoid doing too, so you can also further your progress after implementing these 7 ingredients by looking at some proper
training on building relationships.)
So, here's our recipe: the 7 ingredients in every successful relationship!
They'd probably not make much of a meal, to be honest – but start sprinkling them into your daily life, and they're sure to put new zing into your relationships: at work, at home and with friends.
So let's get preparing!
1. Bread (for Breaking)
Share and be open
To build a strong bond with someone, you must be willing to open up and show them who you truly are. You have to share the things that are most important and personal to you.
The ancient ritual of breaking bread isn't just about sharing food. It's a leveler, cutting through the superficial things we project like status, pride, and even good manners.
When you share things like your biggest fears and passions, you're placing trust in the other person. That builds their trust in you, and your relationship can start to grow.
Of course, you don't do this right away: it would be a bit scary if you suddenly blurted out your worst fears on a first meeting! But over time, based on both parties doing it slowly, it's how relationships usually develop.
2. Meat and Potatoes
Be dependable
It's basic. It's solid. It can sustain you through a cold winter. And it's still around when fancier foods are scarce. That's why calling someone "meat and potatoes" is a way of stressing their dependability. And that's why we've got it in our relationship recipe.
The key to a strong relationship is being able to rely on each other. So make sure you're there for your colleagues and those you care about. Arrive on time. Do what you said you would. Be supportive. It all counts.
Prove you won't let people down, be reliable and trustworthy, and your relationships will prosper.
3. A Plate of Crow
Admit when you're wrong
In case you're not familiar with it, the term "eating crow" means to humbly admit you were wrong after taking a strong – and unfortunately wrong – stance on something. It's said to originate from the opinion that crows are undesirable birds and their meat is tough and bitter. Which illustrates how unpleasant it can be to own up to a mistake...
Why is that important? Because honesty is important.
But some people never admit they're wrong. They're too proud, or ashamed, or pig-headed. And their relationships suffer, because everyone else can see the truth, and they lose respect.
Don't be like that. Admit when you're wrong and you'll see the benefits.
Of course, don't do it at every opportunity. People like honesty, but not so much an idiot.
If you'd like to learn more about building relationships, why not take a look at how we can help?
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4. A Gobstopper
Yes, it's important to say what's on your mind. But remember – a relationship is a two-way street. And one of the best ways to show you care about someone is to listen to their problems, their dreams, and their silly stories if they want to tell them.
So stick a gobstopper in your mouth once in a while, and just listen. It's a great way to build a successful relationship.
5. Sugar, Spice and All Things Nice
Be sweet, at least once in a while...
You shouldn't be surprised to hear this, but being nice to people is pretty important if you want to build strong relationships with them.
Even if your relationship is built on banter, friendly rivalry and pranks, you still need to remind people how much you like them – and often.
Give a present. Give a compliment. Prepare a meal (a real one!) if that's your thing. Your relationships will flourish.
6. A Dash of Hot Sauce
Be fun and unpredictable
Remember those dependable meat and potatoes we talked about earlier? Well, you wouldn't want to eat them at every meal, would you?
Try adding a bit of chili to the main course, or a yummy dessert afterwards – in other words, a bit of fun!
Yep, even the oldest school pals need to put effort into keeping their friendship fresh. Otherwise, you risk drifting apart.
So, make the effort to be funny in conversation if you can. Take up, or even highlight, unusual points of view in a discussion. Maybe plan (or suggest) unusual trips and nights out every so often You can even be unpredictable now and again to liven things up. Your friends, co-workers and loved ones will want you around even more.
7. Your Own Self
Be present
The final and most vital ingredient your relationships need is
you. By this we mean not just physically being there – but really being present in the moment.
Let's put this a better way. Sometimes, when people become too comfortable in a relationship, they stop making the kind of effort they used to. Their priorities change. Deep in their subconscious, they decide it's better to look at their phone or daydream than give their full attention.
Some people don't even make the effort at the start of a relationship - though maybe their relationships never really get started.
This kind of careless behavior is hurtful. It makes people feel under-valued, or that they must be boring. It will ruin your relationships.
So be prepared - always - to give your relationships your full attention ... to be "there" in every conversation. Even if it's an email or text message.
The Ingredients You Need
They're all within you! So always remember to...
• Be present
• Be fun
• Be dependable
• Be sweet
• Be honest
• Be open and trusting
• Be a listener
• And
Be yourself
You will already have a long list of excellent qualities, whether in personality, ability, intelligence, empathy, and so on, which will help you develop successful relationships and strong bonds. The ingredients we list here are ways to project yourself (and your qualities) and make your relationships stronger now and in the future.
You don't need to change who you are. You just need to remember how to give the very best of yourself, to the people who are most important to you.
So whether you're building, rekindling or repairing a relationship, good luck. We hope it turns out beautifully!
If you'd like to learn more about building relationships, why not take a look at how we can help?
Boost your interpersonal skills with our online courses.
RRP from $89 limited time offer just $12.99
Links for more information on relationships:
Building Relationships:
Learn how simple changes in the way you relate to others will make you (and those around you) happier and more motivated to succeed
Test: Likeable Person Test:
Get your likeability score and your personalized report with points for action
Course: How To Be More Likeable:
Here's How to Be a More Likeable Person!
Course: Improving Your Social Skills:
Social Skills Training to Improve Your Social Skills