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The 5 Hidden Secrets of Being More Likeable

The 5 Hidden Secrets of Being More Likeable

Building productive relationships
From forming stronger relationships to gaining respect, the advantages of likeability are formidable! So we show you how to be more likeable
Article author: Ronnie Peterson
      Written by Ronnie Peterson
       (5-minute read)
Before we start, the reason we've called them secrets is because there's too much advice out there on what to do to improve likeability! And the good stuff is hidden amongst all the "fluff".

Which makes it kind of secret...

Now, we've been running a Likeable Person Test since 2016 which has enabled us, by analyzing literally thousands of test results, and feedback, to know what's important.
And as we always stress, our test doesn't just tell you how likeable you are in each of five metrics, it creates a personalized action plan that you can use, right away, to start improving your likeability.

And it's free...

And because we've been asked many times to go further in helping people in their journey, we've distilled what's important into a comprehensive course aimed at helping you unlock your full social potential.

Want to Be More Likeable?

If you'd like to be more likeable, and successful, and happy, why not take a look at how we can help?

Boost your likeability for a happier life with our online course!
RRP from $49 – limited time offer just $12.99

The Benefits of Being More Likeable

If you think about it, unlocking these secrets has the potential to utterly transform your personal and professional life.  You'll open doors to a host of benefits. From forming stronger relationships to gaining respect and admiration, the advantages of being likeable are formidable.
So by investing in your likeability, you're investing in your own success ... and happiness too. (Yes - don't forget happiness: life isn't just about success at work, is it?)

You can read more in our article on the need to be more likeable.

The Disadvantages of Not Being Likeable

On the flip side, neglecting your likeability has the capacity for quite tragic effects on all areas of life. It can lead to strained relationships, missed opportunities, and ultimately, a lack of fulfillment.

In other words, look out! You need to understand its importance, so you can take active steps to improve yourself.  For more about this, you may want to read our article on 7 Reasons Why Not Being Likeable Will Hurt Your Career.

What Are the Secrets?

Well, as we said at the start, we call these "secrets" because they're obscured by mountains of rubbish, so people often don't pay them the attention they deserve.  Of course they're not secrets, but we possibly got your attention a bit more easily.  Anyway, because you will probably know about them, this makes them easier to work on.  Which is good news, by the way...

Secret 1: Being Dependable

Dependability is an essential part of likeability. When other people feel they can rely on you to follow through on your commitments, and support them when needed, they will trust and respect you. By prioritizing reliability, you'll build a reputation as someone who can be counted on ... and liked as a result.

Secret 2: Being Caring

Caring about other people is another key aspect of likeability. This can be offering a sympathetic ear to someone, providing emotional support, or showing genuine concern for their wellbeing. If you do this, you'l show empathy and compassion, which will create deeper connections with people. By showing that you genuinely care (and PLEASE make it genuine!) you'll create a positive impact that strengthens your relationships.

Secret 3: Being Capable

Capability breeds confidence. And confidence is inherently likeable. So when you demonstrate competence in what you do and tackle jobs, and challenges, with confidence, you inspire others to believe in your abilities. You don't need to be a superstar: just identify what you're good at (yes, you ARE good at things!) and make an effort to showcase them. And improve further. In this way, you'll earn the respect of those around you.

Secret 4: Being Uplifting

Uplifting others is our fourth secret.  You don't need to be the life and soul of the party, or a motivational coach. (Though if you are, good for you.) You simply need to take a positive approach to things. Just offering words of encouragement, celebrating others' successes, or seeing the bright side of a setback, will spread positivity. And this will lift others, creating a "ripple" effect of goodwill and team spirit. And as a source of inspiration and support, people will be drawn to your energy.

Secret 5: Being Amiable

Being amiable sounds easy: it simply involves being friendly, approachable, and easy to be around. But not always, you may feel: what about times of stress, or hardship?  Well, these are times you should work on your amiability. No matter if you have a heavy workload, you can still be polite. If someone makes a mistake, don't judge them: deal with it.  And always aim to be approachable (yes, it's difficult sometimes...) and relaxed (you'll do yourself good here...)

By developing a warm and inviting demeanor, you'll create an atmosphere where other people feel comfortable and accepted. Even small gestures of kindness or a genuine smile, being amiable makes you someone that others enjoy spending time with. And they'll like you for it!

Using This Information to Be More Likeable

So now we've armed you with the secrets of likeability, it's time to put them into practice.

If you want more guidance, our How To Be More Likeable course will provide you with more understanding, and practical strategies to help you to become the most likeable version of yourself.

But whether you simply read this article, take our Likeability Test, enroll on the course ... or all three ... we hope you find enough to help you to work on being more likeable, and happier as a result.

After all, a world full of likeable people would be a great place to live...

Useful links on likeability:

Personal Development:
There is no better investment you can make than to invest in yourself, and acquire skills that will last a lifetime.

Building Relationships:
Learn how simple changes in the way you relate to others will make you (and those around you) happier and more motivated to succeed

Course: How To Be More Likeable:
Here's How to Be a More Likeable Person!

Course: Improving Your Social Skills:
Social Skills Training to Improve Your Social Skills

Test: Likeable Person Test:
Get your likeability score and your personalized report with points for action

Article: A Woman's Route To Being More Likable:
Women need to be a lot of things! At any given time, a woman may need to be professional, nurturing, [...]

Article: 7 Fun Facts About Being More Likeable:
Have you ever noticed that some people seem to be effortlessly popular and likeable while others hav [...]

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