We can't deny that our worlds are getting increasingly busy. And because of this, burnout is becoming a major problem in the workplace; in fact, new research suggests that as many as 66% of US employees
will experience burnout to some extent this year. A significant number of these employees say that they are expected to complete a huge amount of work within an unreasonable time-frame while others state that they are not given the tools or resources to work efficiently. This can lead to physical and mental health issues and burnout.
What Is Burnout ?
When we spend an excessive amount of time working due to relentless demands, we put ourselves at risk of stress and exhaustion. This in turn can result in burnout; a condition used to describe a feeling of being overwhelmed and depressed which can translate into an apathy toward our work and our lives in general. Burnout can have a serious effect on our physical and mental health as well as our professional and personal relationships.
In this article, we're sharing our strategies and best practices for managing your workload while safeguarding your wellbeing.
5 Big Ways to Beat Burnout
1. Set clear boundaries and ... communicate them!
The first step toward achieving a balance between your workload and your wellbeing is to set boundaries. By doing this, you not only create guidelines for yourself but you also let others know what you do - and don't - find acceptable. Such boundaries might include:
- Taking regular breaks to relax and clear your mind
- Setting realistic goals and deadlines for your work
- Declining additional work when you don't have the capacity to tackle it or don't feel that it is appropriate or fair
- Knowing when to take time off to rest, recharge, and re-balance your perspective
While setting these boundaries is a great start, you also need to communicate them clearly to your colleagues and superiors to ensure that they understand and respect your needs and limits.
It's impossible to overemphasize the importance of communication in the workplace as this is the very foundation on which a business is built. Clear, concise and effective communication is vital for staying in sync with your team and sharing your outlook and needs with your colleagues. Being direct and honest about your needs can really help to create a positive work environment where everybody supports and respects each other's professional boundaries.
2. It's about time!
These days, time is a commodity both in and out of the workplace and learning to manage it is a skill that will serve you well.
There are a number of ways in which you can better manage your time including:
- To Do lists - While this may sound simple, it's also really effective. Not only will these lists help you to keep on top of tasks but, you'll also have the satisfaction of ticking them off once you've completed them.
- Prioritizing - Not all tasks are created equal and many people find it helpful to have one list for urgent or important tasks and another for those items that can stay on the back burner a little longer
- Specialized techniques - If your time management needs a bit more oomph, specialized time management techniques like the Pomodoro method or the Eisenhower matrix. These techniques divide your work into smaller, incremental tasks that lead to greater goals.
- Time trackers - These handy automated time tracking systems can help you to improve your time management by prioritizing tasks and responsibilities along with providing insightful overviews of your workload. They can also allocate a time for each task helping you to stay on track more easily.
3. Master the skill of delegation
Some of the world's best leaders all share one important skill - the art of delegation. This can be a great way of managing large or complex workloads and involves distributing part of your work to other capable members of your team either directly or through a supervisor. Delegation allows you to offload smaller tasks to others, leaving you free to focus on the more important items. Delegating can help to boost productivity and encourage collaboration as well as helping you to maintain your equilibrium and avoid burnout.
4. Manage your stress proactively
When work is stressful, few of us have the option to simply walk away and so learning to manage your stress levels is essential - and it's easier than you might think.
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We can reduce our stress levels through some simple practices and activities both in and out of the workplace and some of these might include:
- Mindfulness meditation
- Exercise or taking up a sport
- Connecting with friends and loved ones
- Spending time outdoors
- Enjoying hobbies and interests
Incorporating these practices into your daily and weekly schedule helps to recharge your batteries and build the resilience you need to manage your workload effectively, even during demanding periods.
5. Reassess your workload regularly
Most businesses experience cyclical ebbs and flows when it comes to work volume and using these to your advantage can have a significant impact on your wellbeing ... and preventing burnout. Identifying these different times can help to show you where your strengths lie and, just as importantly, where you might need a little extra help.
Reassessing your workload will also help you to more efficiently allocate time and resources within your workload; particularly when combined with a time management strategy. By working with these ebbs and flows rather than against them, you can boost productivity as well as safeguarding your wellbeing.
Wrapping Up
With more and more employees falling victim to burnout, the
impact on productivity can be devastating. By using the strategies laid out in this article, it is possible to balance your work with your wellbeing and avoid the harmful effects of stress. When both employers and employees work together to adopt a proactive and realistic approach to managing workloads, they can create a healthier, more sustainable work environment that supports efficiency and well-being for all.