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Stress Management Articles

The ZandaX Stress Management Blog

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Reducing and controlling your stress

Read Our Articles on Stress Management

How Taking a Break from Everyday Stress Will Help Your Career
How Taking a Break from Everyday Stress Will Help Your Career
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
In this article we discuss how important it is to take a break every once in a while, and best practices to help breaks to boost your career
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Incorporating Books into Your Everyday Routine
Incorporating Books into Your Everyday Routine
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
In this article we examine how a love of books offers respite from daily pressures, excessive screen time and a great way to relieve stress.
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Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Working Environment
Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Working Environment
Riley Mitchell
Author: Riley Mitchell
About the article
We examine the treatments, the statistics on PTSD and the cost of the condition for the individual and society.
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How to Reduce Stress by Having Better Time Management
How to Reduce Stress by Having Better Time Management
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
One certain way to reduce your stress is by learning to manage your time more efficiently. Here we look at how to do that and the benefits.
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What Are You Doing About Stress?
What Are You Doing About Stress?
John B
Author: John B
About the article
People are suffering from stress in higher numbers than ever. Are you aware of what to look for in colleagues and yourself and how to recognise the symptoms?
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Managing Stress - Is It Only Up to You?
Managing Stress - Is It Only Up to You?
John B
Author: John B
About the article
Are you or a loved one struggling to cope with stress and health problems? Read on to find out what you can do about it.
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How Can I Manage My Stress at Work?
How Can I Manage My Stress at Work?
Jordan James
Author: Jordan James
About the article
Are you feeling stressed at work? Learn about what may be causing it and what you can do about it on the Activia blog.
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6 Top Stress Busters That Will Revitalise Your Work
6 Top Stress Busters That Will Revitalise Your Work
Ashley Andrews
Author: Ashley Andrews
About the article
Learn 6 fantastic ways to start beating stress, and how being assertive at work, and managing your time, will remotivate you.
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How to Reduce Stress by Improving Your Communication
How to Reduce Stress by Improving Your Communication
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
Stress is a more serious problem than we often consider it to be. However, as this post will show, you can reduce it by improving your communication.
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Which Situations Cause the Most Stress?
Which Situations Cause the Most Stress?
Ronnie Peterson
Author: Ronnie Peterson
About the article
Research shows that certain events, and types of events, can cause stress. Here we look at he most likely causes, and how we respond.
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How to Reduce Your Stress by Improving Your Relationships
How to Reduce Your Stress by Improving Your Relationships
Riley Mitchell
Author: Riley Mitchell
About the article
If you constantly suffer from stress, it can be that your relationships are the cause. Here's how healthy relationships help to reduce stress.
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How to Reduce Stress by Being More Assertive
How to Reduce Stress by Being More Assertive
Riley Mitchell
Author: Riley Mitchell
About the article
Being assertive is how you can both reduce stress and prevent stressful situations happening in the first place. Here we look at how that works.
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How Stress Affects our Thinking Patterns
How Stress Affects our Thinking Patterns
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
Prolonged stress has the ability to radically affect our thinking patterns, usually for the worse. This looks at how that can happen.
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Is Yoga Scientifically Proven to Help Reduce Stress?
Is Yoga Scientifically Proven to Help Reduce Stress?
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
Many people claim that yoga can have an impact on those suffering from stress. But is this backed up by science? This suggest it does.
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Organization Tips To Help Reduce Stress
Organization Tips To Help Reduce Stress
Ronnie Peterson
Author: Ronnie Peterson
About the article
Being organised has been shown to reduce stress. here we look at things like role and task allocation to reduce uncertainty in your life.
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How to Have Less Stress by Having Less of Everything Else
How to Have Less Stress by Having Less of Everything Else
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
This article looks at how you can successfully make your life less stressful by adopting a minimalist lifestyle.
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How Coloring Can Help Reduce Stress
How Coloring Can Help Reduce Stress
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
Coloring In has been found to help reduce stress in adults. This article looks at how that happens, and why you should be trying it.
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